PEP at Fix-It Fair

Portland Engagement Project (PEP) is popping up at in person events from now until April 29.

The first event was within the City-sponsored Fix-It Fair!

By showing up where people are already engaged, food is being offered, and people are talking and learning new things, it is ideal to gather input from Portlanders of all ages. Asking the same questions that are using in our listening session and online survey:

How do YOU want to influence the City of Portland?

  1. If you need to tell the City something, or get information from the City, are you happy with your options?

  2. What is your idea for how the City could communicate better with you?

  3. How would you like to be involved with the City’s decisions and direction?

    Thank you to the organizers of Fix-It Fair and for everyone that contributed their ideas!

Colorful table set up with posters, postcards, treat and human ready to listen

PEP Kits for Youth Ambassadors


Save the Dates for PEP Talk